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Mr.Charles Sun invited to speak at annual CAMS meeting



Mr. Charles Sun invited to speak at the China Academy of Management Science Annual Meeting 

The Eduwo Company was awarded the "China Management Innovation Advanced Unit" certificate.


On January 10, 2017, Mr. Charles Sun, Director General of the Eduwo International Kindergarten company, was invited to attend the 11th annual meeting of the China Academy of Management Science Institute(CAMS). This year’s event featured the theme of “Innovation and Development of the Economy under a new Situation”. 

Mr. Charles Sun was invited to speak at the meeting and he also issued a report titled "Some Thoughts on China's Preschool Education Internationalization”, which was put together by Mr. Sun and his expert associates at Eduwo international kindergarten company.         


This important report was based on some existing problems formulated from activity targets. By choosing key learning materials, designed for use in a number of activities, Eduwo put forward a new teaching method which features a child’s own experience of exploring the world according to the different age groups. This new method breaks away from the traditional English teaching mode, by creating an English environment offered by native English-speaking teachers, and consciously uses bilingual languages in theme activities to inspire children’s communication abilities.

During the meeting, the CMSR presented Mr. Charles Sun with a certificate and plaque, the“2016 China innovation education teaching management advanced unit" certificate which recognized the valuable work of the Eduwo company.


The CMSR is the first national research institute which specializes in management and related interdisciplinary sciences. On June 2nd, 1987, the CMSR was approved by China’s State Scientific and Technological Commission; its establishment was also supported by several notable Party and state leaders. 


 At the meeting, a number of renowned professors, scholars and officials delivered important speeches to over two hundred representatives, which covered several issues of concern, such as modern enterprise values, Internet + financial innovation, and the creative talent training under the new situation. The professors, scholars and officials included but were not limited to, Mr. He Jiang, Director of the Finance Committee Members, the 11th National People's Congress Deputy; Professor Pei Changhong, Director of the National Academy of Economy; Mr. Lu Jichuan, the executive vice President of China Academy of Management Science; Mr. Wu Sikang, Director of Development Research Center of Shenzheng, Guangdong Province. 

The China Academy of Management Science has also approved the “Bilingual Teaching and Evaluation Method” forwarded by the Eduwo company as a priority research project. The research project will provide evaluation criteria for bilingual teaching in preschool education, and eventually promote the healthy development of the bilingual teaching in preschools.

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