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The Stars of Eduwo International Kindergartens



                   The Stars of Eduwo International Kindergartens

On January 6, 2017 Eduwo International Kindergarten group held a Governess Career Assessment activity for every nurse working with the company. The assessment activity was supervised by the company’s directors, doctors and leading teachers. Included in the assessment was a written test and a practical examination which fully embodied the high level expected of nursery governesses in the Eduwo group. 

The position of nursery governess at Eduwo Kindergartens is very important because the job duties are quite complex and detail oriented. Apart from overseeing almost every aspect of each child’s wellbeing in the kindergarten, the governess is also in charge of cleaning the various facilities being used.


At Eduwo kindergartens, the important role of the nursery governess is key to a child’s happiness and wellbeing. The governess teaches and guides the kids under her care showing them how to take care of themselves, and also develop good habits. More importantly, our nursery governesses teach children to be willing to share, be confident in front of other kids, teachers and parents, and also take part in all kinds of activities and games.

In the eyes of Eduwo kids, nursery governesses are seen as the most beautiful teachers in the world, who are loved by the children they take care of. They have a have a high quality of child care abilities, and also have a positive and responsible attitude. The nursery governesses really are the stars of the Eduwo Kindergarten!

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