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Henan University Teacher wins prestigious Science Award.



Henan University Teacher LU Heli is awarded the Prestigious 2016 Mitra Award

The Asia Pacific Global Change Research Network (APN) is an intergovernmental organization that aims to promote the research of the Asia Pacific region global change field, and also enhance the policy of scientific communication in the field of global environmental change. 

At present, there are 22 members in the group which includes China, who take turns hosting the APN Annual Meeting. 

Recently the 2016 APN Annual Meeting was held in the city of Zhengzhou in Henan Province in Central China, and it was sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, the Asia Pacific Global Change Research Network (APN)

Six years ago, the APN and the Scientific Planning Group(IGM/SPG).

Set up the Mitra Award, which is aimed at recognising and commending young scientists who make outstanding contributions in the field of global change. This year the award was presented to a Chinese scientist for the first time.

LU Heli is a scientist who is mainly engaged in the research of climate change and resource management. His research results have been recognized by the FAO(United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), and also by Forest Carbon Asia, a website which is concerned about climate change. 

LU Heli’s research was also strongly supported by Henan University(HENU) and the Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents Cultivation Fund. This fund focuses on the training and cultivation of outstanding young academics who may be future leaders of domestic and overseas science.

Mr LU Heli who is also a teacher at Henan University(HENU), is the first Chinese scientist to win this prestigious award which is also known as the Asia Pacific Global Change Research Network Mitra Award.


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