Humboldt State University Ranked among Best Colleges in the west of USA
Humboldt State University (HSU) has been named as one of the best colleges in the West by The Princeton Review.
HSU was one of 127 western schools recommended in the Review’s “2018 Best Colleges: Region by Region” web feature. The list identifies the best schools in five geographic regions—the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, West, and International—that the Review considers academically outstanding.
HSU was one of only eight California State University campuses to earn the “Best in the West” title.
Other schools on the list were Oregon State and Stanford University. A total of 658 colleges were included in the list, representing about 22 percent of the country’s four-year colleges. HSU students highlighted the university’s “tight community” and said they learn “to live with people of all different lifestyles in a socially responsible way.”
Headquartered in Framingham, Mass., The Princeton Review provides test preparation courses, tutoring, books, and other student resources. It is a privately held company not affiliated with Princeton University.